Xtra Large
TREI'S VCVE XL is a large VCV English bank with one pitch. She is recommended for English songs with a fast pace. She is a bank I developed while working on various VCV techniques.
~ The Voice bank specs ~
VCVE is a VCV style bank with CZ’s style aliases
In all technicality it has CCCV, CCV, VC, VCC, etcetera. I feel in this case calling it VCV is easier.
VCVE has a few notes for Japanese as well as some other languages.
VCVE has end breath constants. "At_h" "Ech_h" ect.
VCVE has 1NG, 0R, and N notes that pair with constants. "1ng bA" , "0R chx", "N shw@"
The bank is a power style recording, with one C#4 pitch.
There are most of the VCCV aliases (some are missing such as _rA _yO, because they aren’t really necessary since there are CC notes.)
The bank is a little under 2gb. 5387 samples. 48496 oto strings.
You may get an overflow error when you open the Voice bank settings. this is normal, it only happens the first time you open it during your session.
To use a VCCV ust you will need to merge notes to make it flow. I have gotten the best results by merging blending style notes (V C) to the note that comes before them.